Monday 30 April 2018

Kavanaghs Corner wins at Exeter by 22 lengths

                It was great to see Kavanaghs Corner win at Exeter the other day. He certainly deserved to win after becoming very consistent having finished 4th, 2nd and 2nd in his most recent runs.  Casey (as he is known at home) loves heavy ground and I was so pleased driving down to Exeter to see it was raining.  In fact it rained all day and there was also the mist from the sea – it might have been miserable to most but there was no one happier than me!
                When I walked the track before his race I was glad to see how deep they were going in. I felt we had a great chance especially if jockey, Conor Shoemark, could keep a head on the horse’s exuberance, especially going down the hill.  Casey was quite keen as they didn’t go very quick, Conor had quite a job on his hands to settle him and keep him behind as he kept making up ground at his fences. Finally he let him have his head a bit towards the end of the back straight and he was always going the best.  Well done Conor.
                Casey has come out of the race in super form, I really think we will see him improve significantly and he is worth following.  He feels loads better than before; it’s all about confidence with him.  The handicapper has put him up 9lbs but I feel he is way better than that still.  Casey races and trains without shoes.

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